a free resource
for animal welfare workers
who are suffering from compassion fatigue
or related stresses from working in a compassionate role
"The expectation that we can be immersed in suffering and loss daily and not be touched by it is as unrealistic as expecting to be able to walk through water without getting wet."
First of all, compassion fatigue and related stresses are an occupational hazard. You are not weak or incapable if you are feeling the pressure of working in an extremely emotive sector, nor are you alone.
Sentient is a place for those of us who witness the suffering of animals on a regular basis and who may be suffering as a result. Compassion workers often suffer from stress, anxiety, compassion fatigue and burn out and too often it goes unrecognised or unaddressed. Many compassion workers don't even realise they are suffering.
Sentient is a place where you can learn more about compassion fatigue and find ways to manage it before you reach a state of burnout allowing you to continue your invaluable work to help animals.
We share a range of techniques including breathing and yoga sessions and also facilitate a platform for people to share their own experiences in the hope they may resonate with another compassion worker.
Our resources are completely free of charge.
The quote above concludes...
"...This sort of denial is no small matter.
The way we deal with loss shapes our capacity to be present to life more than anything else.
The way we protect ourselves from loss may be the way in which we distance ourselves from life and help.
We burn out not because we don’t care but because we don’t grieve.
We burn out because we’ve allowed our hearts to become so filled with loss that we have no room left to care."
more info coming soon...
To register your interest please email sentientsessions@gmail.com
custom areas for NGO's:
if you change nothing
nothing will change
The class was gentle but effective. Sarah's deep understanding of what she's doing is obvious and she's a kind and encouraging teacher.
I thoroughly enjoyed my Sentient session, it was calming and relaxing.
I have always wanted to discover yoga but never been sure what time or class to join. Sarah's sentient class was the perfect combination of stretching and relaxation. I'm hooked!
As Sarah says 'as workers in a compassionate industry we push all day, so in Sentient sessions we don't want to push'. Sentient gives me a sense of accomplishment in taking time for myself, and Sarah combines mindfulness and humour perfectly to offer something more than just a yoga class.
That is the most relaxed I have felt in a very long time. I thought it would be the loss of an hour but in reality it was the gaining of something much more important.
The class was really easy to follow and made me feel the benefit of a whole day's retreat in just 1 hour. It was really low pressure but gave me lots of great things to incorporate into my practice, not only in terms of a physical flow of poses but also the philosophy behind the practice that can be used in everyday life.
I have done a fair few yoga sessions before but I have never felt so relaxed after one before! Sometimes I can really struggle to keep up and find myself pushing too hard but this was the perfect level of comfort and I really could feel the energy working.